28. September 2005

Akute Eheprobleme

Was die Ehe von anderen Formen des Zusammenlebens unterscheidet und, warum die Zwei-Eltern-Familie kein gesellschaftliches Problem darstellt, die Ein-Eltern- und Wilde Variante aber doch - das beschreibt James Q. Wilson, Moralphilosoph und Politikwissenschaftler, in In Character.

"In fact, there is a tendency in American politics to shy away from any discussion of these matters because they lack the obvious pain of an airplane crash or the dramatic appeal of an isolated case. Since the Supreme Court struck down laws against homosexual conduct many people have been preoccupied with either encouraging or resisting homosexual marriage. Whatever your views about homosexual marriage, were it adopted nationally it would affect only about 2 or 3 percent of the population. Cohabitation, divorce, and single-parent families are problems that affect roughly half of the population. Still, we find it more interesting to discuss homosexual marriage than to discuss marriage itself.

But talking about marriage is essential to the future of our society. Marriage shapes our commitments and builds our character. No one is quite certain what will restore marriage to its once privileged position, but many private groups and some state governments are trying to find out. Our task ought to be to encourage and to evaluate these efforts.

If we are successful in revitalizing marriage, we shall have dramatically improved loyalty and the benefits that flow from this commitment. Marriage, it is true, is a lasting restriction on human freedom; indeed, some young people resist marriage because by accepting it they lose some of their freedom. But every human freedom has its limits: we cannot falsely shout “fire” in a crowded theater nor knowingly print libelous stories about another person. In every aspect of our lives we accept limits to freedom, but in the case of the limits set by marriage we gain a great deal in return: longer, healthier lives; better sex; and decent children. Loyalty to spouse and children and relatives enhances our capacity to enjoy the freedom we have.

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