18. August 2005


Henry Clarke Wright was blogging in the early republic. In den vierziger Jahren des vorvorigen Jahrhunderts. Ausgegraben von W. Caleb McDaniel und ausgestellt auf dem Common-Place.

"Indeed, blogging demonstrates the persistence of a key truth in the history of reading, an insight as obvious to Tocqueville as it should be to most bloggers today. The insight is that readers, in a culture of abundant reading material, regularly seek out other readers, either by becoming writers themselves or by sharing their records of reading with others. That process, of course, requires cultural conditions that value democratic rather than deferential ideals of authority. But to explain how new habits of reading and writing develop, those cultural conditions matter as much—perhaps more—than economic or technological innovations. As Tocqueville knew, the explosion of newspapers in America was not just a result of their cheapness or their means of production, any more than the explosion of blogging is just a result of the fact that free and user-friendly software like Blogger is available. Perhaps, instead, blogging is the literate person’s new outlet for an old need. In Wright’s words, it is the need 'to see more of what is going on around me.' And in print cultures where there is more to see, it takes reading, writing, and association in order to see more."

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