5. Mai 2009

Verzerrtes Bild - Fortsetzung

Und mittlerweile fallen Herrn Oertel nicht nur über 60 US-Bischöfe, sondern auch noch die Mehrheit der US-Katholiken und - schlimmer - die Mehrheit der US-Amerikaner in den Rücken:

"Fifty-two percent (52%) of Americans nationwide say the University of Notre Dame should have followed guidelines set by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and refrained from awarding an honorary degree to President Obama.

... By a 60% to 25% margin, U.S. Catholics say the university should not award an honorary degree to the president. Sixty-six percent (66%) of Evangelical Christians share that view along with 52% of other Protestants.

However, a plurality (45%) of those who do not have Christian affiliations say the university should give the president the honorary degree.

Overall, 63% of adults believe it’s important for speakers at graduation ceremonies of religious universities to share the views of the university. Obama’s position on abortion is fundamentally different from the view of the Catholic Church, and many regard Notre Dame as the most prominent Catholic university in the United States.

Fifty-six percent (56%) of Catholics say it’s at least somewhat important for graduation speakers to share the university’s views at schools with religious affiliations. Eighty-seven percent (87%) of Evangelical Christians hold that view as do 63% of other Protestants. Among non-Christians, 42% agree. (...)

It is also worth noting that the response is tied more closely to the violation of the bishops’ guidelines than to the policy issue concerning abortion. Those who describe themselves as pro-choice on abortion are evenly divided as to whether or not the university should award an honorary degree to the president."
(Rasmussen Reports via American Papist)

Aber vielleicht ergibt sich ja ein rhetorisch geschickter Schlenker und die Meinungsumfrage lässt sich unter "Lufthoheit von Meinungsverzerrern über die Stammtische" buchen. Irgendso was halt.

On a more serious note: Es zeigt sich - wieder einmal -, daß man Katholiken nicht lohnt, wenn sie ihre Prinzipien aufgeben. Im Gegenteil: Was soll das für eine Religion sein, die elastisch wie Goldzack sich den jeweils Mächtigen an die gebügelte Hemdbrust schmeißt?

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