Jetzt wird es ernst: Einige Versuche, einen Roman von Walker Percy ins Kino zu bringen, sind schon gescheitert; nun macht sich der Schauspieler Donal Logue daran, "The Second Coming" (dt. unter dem Titel "Die Wiederkehr") zu verfilmen. Mit von der Partie: Bill Paxton.
Logue im Interview:
DRE: Do you want to direct more?
DL: I'm directing a movie next year whenever schedules open up. I'm directing Bill Paxton in an adaptation of a Walker Percy novel called The Second Coming.
DRE: What is that about?
DL: It's a heady, intellectual art film. It’s quirky love story between a suicidal depressed widower and a younger girl who's escaped constant electro-shock therapy at a mental institution in North Carolina. It's about how love saves. It's a book I've been obsessed with since college and now I'm getting to make it.
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