16. März 2009

Eine Schande

"If they are going to be terminated, it is a shame to waste their organs - Wenn sie schon beseitigt werden, ist es eine Schande, ihre Organe zu verschwenden." So äußert sich Prof. Stuart Campbell zu einem Vorschlag von Sir Richard Gardner, die Organe abgetriebener Babies doch für Transplantationen zu verwenden. (Catholic News Agency)

Die Debatte geht gewißlich weiter.

Wie meinte Father Neuhaus bei anderer Gelegenheit:

"Thousands of medical ethicists and bioethics, as they are called, professionally guide the unthinkable on its passage through the debatable on the way to becoming the justifiable until it is finally established as the unexceptionable. - Tausende von Medizin- und Bioethikern, wie man sie nennt, werden das Undenkbare professionell begleiten, auf seinem Weg über das Diskussionswürdige hin zum Vertretbaren, bis es schließlich als das Unanfechtbare etabliert ist.”

1 Kommentar:

Lupambulus Berolinen. hat gesagt…

Hähähä. Andernorts hat er sich sehr ausführlich "zu det Janze" geäußert:

“A bioethicist is to ethics what a whore is to sex.” That judgment by a friend who was once viewed as a pioneer of bioethics may seem somewhat harsh, but it is not entirely off the mark. This really happened: Some years ago I was on a panel at the big annual economic conference in Davos, Switzerland. Also on the panel was Nobel Laureate James Watson, then head of the Human Genome Project. I and a few others—well, I think it was one other—were pressing moral questions about the technological manipulation of human nature. Impatient with that line of inquiry, Dr. Watson—who seems not only to subscribe to but to devoutly celebrate what Jacques Ellul called the Technological Imperative—explained that nobody should worry about the morality of what they were doing since the project had allocated millions of additional dollars “to get the best ethicists that money can buy.”


Das Schlusszitat habe ich schon ziemlich oft angeführt...