2. Dezember 2005

Interview mit den schechten Katholiken

Was sind das für Leute, die sich den Blogozesen-Bestseller des Jahres ausgedacht haben? John Zmirak and Denise Matychowiak äußern sich auf Godspy u.a. zu JPII, der katholischen Raumfahrt, ihrem Buch, ihrem nächsten Buch (Arbeitstitel: The Bad Catholic's Book of Booze), der Bedeutung des Humors für den rechten katholischen und apostolischen Glauben im Jahr 2005 und ihrem eigenen Status als schlechte Katholiken.

"Godspy: What is the place of humor in explaining, defending and living the faith?

Zmirak: I think it's important that we don't seem naive to unbelievers, that we don't seem like hopelessly earnest people who have an unrealistic attitude toward human perfectibility or sinfulness. Having a supernatural overview of the world helps you see the absurdity of so many things in the secular world.

Godspy: What effect do you hope the book will have on readers?

Zmirak: We hope it will stun them into silence. No, I'm just kidding. We hope that people will see that there's nothing unsophisticated about having an orthodox Catholic faith in the modern world, in fact, that we can be every bit as informed and clever and engaged in the world and we can be more culturally sophisticated than the unbelievers who have a rather simple reductionist view of the world.

Matychowiak: There's real theology in it, and we think that the humor is disarming enough that people will read it and be surprised, and say, 'Oh, I didn't know that the Church taught that.'"

1 Kommentar:

Norbert hat gesagt…

Übrigens ab April 2007 soll s ein neues Buch von Zmirak (Amazon) geben.