24. November 2005

Des Trunkenbolds Gebet

Over the Rhine haben es mit ihrem ruhigen Album "Drunkard's Prayer" auf Platz 2 der "Best Christian Albums of 2005" von Christianity Today gebracht. Da ich die anderen Alben nicht kenne, weiß ich zwar nicht, ob Platz Zwei verdient ist, aber der Begründung kann ich auf jeden Fall zustimmen:

"If nothing else, Drunkard's Prayer is a poignant testament to life's hardships and the overriding power of faith and love to carry us through all things. Linford Detweiler and Karin Bergquist were headed on the path to a possible divorce, but instead, they took some time and effort to save their marriage, and thanks to some divine intervention, their relationship is stronger than before—to the delight of Over the Rhine fans everywhere. This album celebrates the duo's reconciliation with typically stunning folk-pop and terrific musicianship all around, naturally centered on Detweiler's inspired piano and Bergquist, one of the most passionate voices on the planet. Granted, it's somewhat light on spirituality, but the album is still rooted in biblical truth. Besides, what could be more Christian than rejoicing in the sanctity of marriage? It's inspiring, thoughtful, and oh so romantic."

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