4. Juni 2003

Es geht auch anders - anderswo

Wir sind einfach zu verschieden - wir alten Abendländer und die neuen jenseits des großen Wassers. Wer's nicht glaubt, lese die Rezension des Buches "The New Faithful: Why Young Adults Are Embracing Christian Orthodoxy" aus dem Crisis Magazine.

"Carroll tells the story of a 'small but committed core' of young Christians who want nothing more than to be authentic members of their churches, young people who are increasingly opting for “time-tested approaches to metaphysical questions (...) These young adults are 'committed to a religious worldview that grounds their lives and shapes their morality They are not lukewarm believers or passionate dissenters. When they are embracing a faith tradition or deepening their commitment to it, they want to do so wholeheartedly or not at all.' In other words, they are exactly the kind of young people you want in your church—particularly when you think about its future. (...) A more recent survey of Catholics found that 'the three core elements of faith of today’s young Catholics are belief in God’s presence in the sacraments (including the presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist), concern for helping the poor, and devotion to Mary as the mother of God.' Another survey found that young priests today are 'increasingly conservative on theological questions' and (in Carroll’s words) 'have more in common with conservative elderly priests than with the more liberal middle-aged baby boomers who directly preceded them.' This new generation of priests has not been bred in the culture of theological dissent. Good news—especially if they are able to benefit from the lessons of that culture’s failure.”

Daß diese Hingabe an den rechten Glauben auch ihre Kehrseite hat, bleibt nicht unerwähnt: Mentalität des heiligen Rests, Rigidität und Erstarrung, Wiederholung der vorkonziliaren Fehler.

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