7. November 2007

Katholische Romane

Ron Hansen, der Autor des Buches "Die Ermordung des Jesse James durch den Feigling Robert Ford", über katholischen Glauben und Schriftstellerei:

Looking back on my childhood now, I find that church-going and religion were in good part the origin of my vocation as a writer, for along with Catholicism’s feast for the senses, its ethical concerns, its insistence on seeing God in all things, and the high status it gave to scripture, drama, and art, there was a connotation in Catholicism’s liturgies that storytelling mattered. Each Mass was a narrative steeped in meaning and metaphor, helping the faithful to not only remember the past but to make it present here and now, and to bind ourselves into a sharing group so that, ideally, we could continue the public ministry of Jesus in our world.

Mehr zum Thema bei First Things: Marian Crowe: The Catholic Novel Is Alive and Well in England.

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