24. April 2005

Sind Sie ein Christ, Herr Papst?

Ah ja, richtig, Matthew Fox. Irgendwann in den frühen Neunzigern, oder war's noch früher. Mein Gott, was mag aus dem wohl geworden sein?

"Kritisch" ist er jedenfalls geblieben, nur die Peinlichkeit hat zugenommen und seine Neugier:

»6. According to a serious study done on the death of Pope John Paul I, cardinals were part of the plot that killed him. Do you know which cardinals were involved in his murder and have they ever been brought to justice?

11. How do you sleep at night knowing that your theology of no birth control is contributing to the destruction of 25,000 other species annually as well as to the degradation of life among human beings?

18. Are you a Christian? (A canon lawyer who spent years in Rome told me that to understand you I had to first realize that you are not a Christian.) Can you prove it to us please.«(Welcome: 22 Questions for Cardinal Ratzinger and the Silver Lining in the Election of this first Grand Inquisitor as Pope)

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