22. Juni 2009

Anglikanisches Freibier

Ein Freund - selber einmal episkopalischer Pastor - schickte mir einen Hinweis auf einen Artikel des Telegraph: Church blesses fathers with beer. (Ich lese momentan Benedikts Mittwochskatechesen und in meinem Kopf formte sich der Titel erst einmal um um zu "Church fathers bless beer.")

Chesterton fände den Ansatz der beteiligten Kleriker sicher gottgemäßer als jeden Versuch, zu Abstinenz aufzurufen. Ein bißchen humorvoller und paradoxer hätte er es allerdings schon formuliert statt so:

"'Posies of flowers are given to mums on Mothering Sunday and we wanted to give a laddish, blokeish gift to the men. A bottle of beer hits the mark. The whole of life is to be celebrated in church.'

However, Don Shenker, chief executive of Alcohol Concern, criticised the Church, claiming that it was acting irresponsibly.

'Bearing in mind the country is facing rising health harms from its high level of alcohol consumption, anyone in a position of authority or respect should perhaps think twice about promoting alcohol to the public,' he said.

Bishop Inge said that it was wrong to claim that the move would encourage alcholism, and encouraged churches to use it as a way to reach out to men.

'Jesus created a lot more wine at a point in the party when some thought that there had already been enough drinking. He was all in favour of partying,' the bishop said.

'We give wine away every Sunday, so giving away beer could be said to going downmarket a bit, but it's an attempt to speak of God's generosity.'"

Und Freibier allein macht es auch nicht. Gebt den Männern was zu tun. Und lasst die Frauen für diesmal draußen. Und führt feste Regeln ein ("Stop being creative. Don't invite them to be creative."). Und haltet euch dran. (Mein Freund kommentierte übrigens: "Would free sex work better?")

1 Kommentar:

Yon hat gesagt…

Schock. Ich hab jetzt erstmal erwartet, dass da Bier statt Weihwasser verwendet wird.
Uh, die Gewohnheit.