Von alleine geht die Evolution des Menschen nicht weiter. Da müssen die homines sapientes schon mithelfen.
Zum Beispiel indem gut eugenisch und gleichzeitig gut demokratisch schöne Menschen gemeinsam und nach allen Regeln der Reproduktionsmedizin für die Fortdauer ihrer idealen Nasen, schlanken Fesseln, straffen Ohrläppchen und silberblickenden blauen Augen sorgen.
BeautifulPeople.com macht es möglich.
Mehr bei Mashable.com.
-- Für die Kirche ist das ja eher ein Fall von "We done told you so. - Wir haben's euch doch gleich gesagt", den sie genüßlich ausschlachten könnte - falls Schadenfreude eine christliche Tugend wäre und sie nicht solche Sorgen hätte wie jetzt gerade.
21. Juni 2010
Schöne neue Welt mit schönen neuen Menschen
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4 Kommentare:
"Von alleine geht die Evolution des Menschen nicht weiter."
Please read e. g. Hawks et al. (2007) PNAS 104, 20753. An entry point to the discussion might also be one of the author's own blog at http://johnhawks.net. Look out for "Human evolution stopping? Wrong, wrong, wrong."
What actually did the church tell us? (I obviously have not payed too much attention.)
I'll have a look at the Hawks article tomorrow. I have to admit that my first sentence was not claiming so much to announce a biological truth but rather to provide an ironic canvas for the activity of those cooperatores evolutionis, as we might call them.
Re: the Church doctrine, I was referring to documents like "Donum vitae" (1987) of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. It should be available on the Vatican pages.
In "Donum vitae" I can only find one side reference to eugenics in context of selection after in vitro fertilisation. The teachings of the church concerning eugenics per se seem to be far from univocal. Pius XII: "The fundamental tendency of genetics and eugenics is to influence the transmission of hereditary factors in order to promote what is good and eliminate what is injurious. This fundamental tendency is irreproachable from the moral viewpoint." See also Ingrid Richter in "Katholizismus und Eugenik in der Weimarer Republik und im Dritten Reich" (2001). There are some announcements of Benedikt XVI though, where he seems to refer to the diminishing of respect for human life through eugenics in general.
Georg, sorry for not having responded yet. My evenings are too short. Just managed to blog at least a little... It's not forgotten.
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