16. Januar 2004

Postmoderner Kirchenbau

Auf der Site von Christianity Today regt Leonard Sweet die Artificial Intelligent Church an:

"The church of the 21st century will include other 'smart materials,' such as windows that change from transparent to near-opaque for light control. By 'smart,' I mean materials into which artificial nerves and muscle are inserted, giving them a kind of primitive intelligence.

What would it mean for architects to view every surface, every wall in a church as a living organism that responds to human touch? As the science of holography develops, architectural space could become almost totally electronic, making it possible for a congregation to listen to a sermon and actually feel like it was traveling the road to Emmaus or walking by the sea of Galilee."

Der nächste Schritt dürfte sein, daß Jesus als Avatar selber predigt.

Aber immerhin: "Thou shalt not create ugliness" ist auch eins seiner Gebote.

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